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发布时间: 2023-07-31 19:58:09

① 虚拟货币英语怎么说

虚拟货币是指非真实的货币。目前全世界发行有上百种数字货币。圈内流行比特金、莱特银、无限铜、便士铝的 传说 。那么你知道虚拟货币用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来虚拟货币的英语说法,欢迎各位同学们学习!


ideal money


Virtual currency


虚拟货币架构 Virtual Currency Schemes

虚拟货币问题研究 Study on virtual currency

虚拟货币资本 virtual money capital

虚拟货币的合作性方案 Virtual currency-based schemes

货币虚拟化 currency virtualization


1. Actually, what is fictitious money any more in recent years new name.

实际上, 近年来虚拟货币已经不是什么新鲜名词了.

2. For instance, fictitious money worth is worth formerly how check and ratify?

比如, 虚拟货币财产原值如何核定?

3. Does fictitious currency trade bilateral should who will pay tax?


4. Such, fictitious money had the function of acting gold certificate.

这样, 虚拟货币便有了代金券的功能.

5. The current of network game is ecbolic a large number of fictitious currencies trade.


6. However, register to the fictitious money such as Q money, play money merely enough?

然而, 仅仅对Q币 、 游戏币等虚拟货币登记就够了 吗 ?

7. Did not trade in the meantime, protection also remain of corresponding code farther perfect . E . g.

同时未来虚拟货币交易 、 保护等也有待相应法规的进一步健全.

8. The government also said it was moving to fight online gambling and disputes over virtual coins.


9. Actually, it is not the first developer platform to integrate virtual coin system.

实际上, 校内网不是第一个集成虚拟货币系统的开发商平台.

10. Since virtual currency is perceived as currency, It'should have basic financial and circulatory characteristics.

既然虚拟货币是一种货币, 则应具有起码的金融性和流通性.

11. Virtual reality in connection with the case, the virtual currency has its real value.

在虚拟跟现实有连接的情况下, 虚拟的货币有其现实价值.

12. The contemporary noteworthy mmy economy is derivative financial commodity transaction, e - currency and dot.

当代值得关注的虚拟经济是衍生金融商品交易 、 电子货币和网络银行.

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