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『壹』 美國、日本、德國、英國四個國家的股票市值和GDP(2006年的)

Total GDP 2006 2006年世界各國國內生產總值
(millions of Ranking Economy US dollars)
1 United States 13,201,819 美國 老大
2 Japan 4,340,133 日本 好幾年沒有增加了
3 Germany 2,906,681 德國 我們離他越來越近了
4 China 2,668,071 中國 人均還是很少
5 United Kingdom 2,345,015 我們慢慢拉大與日不落帝國的差距
6 France 2,230,721 a 跟英國差不多
7 Italy 1,844,749
8 Canada 1,251,463
9 Spain 1,223,988
10 Brazil 1,067,962
11 Russian Federation 986,940 不錯 漲的很快
12 India 906,268 阿三漲的也很快 但是還是無法根我們比
13 Korea, Rep. 888,024 高麗棒不錯的
14 Mexico 839,182 墨西哥 可能是靠經美國有優勢吧!
15 Australia 768,178
16 Netherlands 657,590
17 Turkey 402,710
18 Belgium 392,001
19 Sweden 384,927
20 Switzerland 379,758
21 Indonesia 364,459
22 Poland 338,733
23 Austria 322,444
24 Norway 310,960
25 Saudi Arabia 309,778
26 Denmark 275,237
27 South Africa 254,992
28 Greece 244,951
29 Iran, Islamic Rep. 222,889
30 Ireland 222,650
31 Argentina 214,058
32 Finland 209,445
33 Thailand 206,247
34 Portugal 192,572
35 Hong Kong, China 189,798
36 Venezuela, RB 181,862
37 Malaysia 148,940
38 Chile 145,841
39 Czech Republic 141,801
40 Colombia 135,836
41 Singapore 132,158
42 United Arab Emirates 129,702
43 Pakistan 128,830
44 Israel 123,434
45 Romania 121,609
46 Philippines 116,931
47 Algeria 114,727
48 Nigeria 114,686
49 Hungary 112,899
50 Egypt, Arab Rep. 107,484
51 Ukraine 106,111
52 New Zealand 103,873
53 Peru 93,269
54 Kuwait 80,781
55 Kazakhstan 77,237
56 Bangladesh 61,961
57 Vietnam 60,884
58 Morocco 57,307
59 Slovak Republic 55,049
World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 1 July 2007 1
Total GDP 2006
(millions of
Ranking Economy US dollars)
60 Libya 50,320
61 Angola 44,033
62 Croatia 42,653
63 Qatar 42,463
64 Luxembourg 41,382
65 Ecuador 40,800
66 Sudan 37,565
67 Slovenia 37,303
68 Belarus 36,945
69 Guatemala 35,290
70 Syrian Arab Republic 34,902
71 Serbia 31,808 b
72 Bulgaria 31,483
73 Dominican Republic 30,581
74 Tunisia 30,298
75 Lithuania 29,791
76 Sri Lanka 26,967
77 Oman 24,284
78 Lebanon 22,722
79 Costa Rica 22,145
80 Kenya 21,186
81 Azerjan 20,122
82 Latvia 20,116
83 Trinidad and Tobago 19,911
84 Uruguay 19,308
85 Yemen, Rep. 19,057
86 Cameroon 18,323
87 El Salvador 18,306
88 Côte d'Ivoire 17,484
89 Uzbekistan 17,178
90 Panama 17,097
91 Estonia 16,410
92 Iceland 15,854
93 Cyprus 15,418
94 Macao, China 14,285
95 Jordan 14,176
96 Ethiopia 13,315
97 Bahrain 12,914
98 Ghana 12,906
99 Tanzania 12,784 c
100 Bosnia and Herzegovina 11,296
101 Bolivia 11,163
102 Zambia 10,907
103 Jamaica 10,533
104 Turkmenistan 10,496
105 Botswana 10,328
106 Gabon 9,546
107 Uganda 9,322
108 Honras 9,235
109 Albania 9,136
110 Paraguay 9,110
111 Senegal 8,936
112 Equatorial Guinea 8,563
113 Congo, Dem. Rep. 8,543
114 Afghanistan 8,399
115 Nepal 8,052
116 Mozambique 7,608
117 Georgia 7,550
118 Congo, Rep. 7,385
World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 1 July 2007 2
Total GDP 2006
(millions of
Ranking Economy US dollars)
119 Cambodia 7,193
120 Chad 6,541
121 Mauritius 6,448
122 Armenia 6,406
123 Brunei Darussalam 6,400
124 Namibia 6,372
125 Macedonia, FYR 6,217
126 Burkina Faso 6,205
127 Mali 5,929
128 Papua New Guinea 5,654
129 Malta 5,570
130 Madagascar 5,499
131 Nicaragua 5,369
132 Zimbabwe 5,010
133 Haiti 4,961
134 Benin 4,775
135 West Bank and Gaza 4,059
136 Niger 3,544
137 Lao PDR 3,404
138 Guinea 3,317
139 Moldova 3,266 d
140 Barbados 3,091
141 Fiji 2,822
142 Tajikistan 2,811
143 Kyrgyz Republic 2,695
144 Mongolia 2,689
145 Mauritania 2,663
146 Swaziland 2,648
147 Rwanda 2,494
148 Montenegro 2,347
149 Malawi 2,232
150 Togo 2,206
151 Suriname 1,597
152 Central African Republic 1,486
153 Lesotho 1,476
154 Sierra Leone 1,443
155 Belize 1,217
156 Cape Verde 1,144
157 Eritrea 1,085
158 Antigua and Barbuda 962
159 Bhutan 927
160 Maldives 915
161 St. Lucia 906
162 Guyana 896
163 Burundi 807
164 Djibouti 757
165 Seychelles 750
166 Liberia 631
167 Grenada 519
168 Gambia, The 511
169 St. Kitts and Nevis 487
170 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 466
171 Samoa 422
172 Comoros 403
173 Vanuatu 388
174 Timor-Leste 356
175 Solomon Islands 335
176 Guinea-Bissau 304
177 Dominica 300
World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 1 July 2007 3
Total GDP 2006
(millions of
Ranking Economy US dollars)
178 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 245
179 Tonga 223
180 Palau 157
181 Marshall Islands 155
182 São Tomé and Principe 123
183 Kiribati 71
American Samoa ..
Andorra ..
Aruba ..
Bahamas, The ..
Bermuda ..
Cayman Islands ..
Channel Islands ..
Cuba ..
Faeroe Islands ..
French Polynesia ..
Greenland ..
Guam ..
Iraq ..
Isle of Man ..
Korea, Dem. Rep. ..
Liechtenstein ..
Mayotte ..
Monaco ..
Myanmar ..
Netherlands Antilles ..
New Caledonia ..
Northern Mariana Islands ..
Puerto Rico ..
San Marino ..
Somalia ..
Virgin Islands (U.S.) ..
World 48,244,879
Low income 1,611,831
Middle income 10,049,512
Lower middle income 4,734,576
Upper middle income 5,316,864
Low & middle income 11,661,911
East Asia & Pacific 3,636,593
Europe & Central Asia 2,493,602
Latin America & Caribbean 2,945,193
Middle East & North Africa 730,103
South Asia 1,142,319
Sub-Saharan Africa 709,500
High income 36,583,031
European Monetary Union 10,526,479
.. Not available.
Note: Rankings include only those economies with confirmed GDP estimates. Figures in italics are for 2005 or 2004.
a. Data include the French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Réunion. b. Excludes Kosovo.
c. Data refer to mainland Tanzania only. d. Excludes data for Transnistria.
World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 1 July 2007 4

『貳』 為何小米手機股價暴跌,這說明有人在拋售嗎





『叄』 關於報考 全國外語翻譯證書考試(NAETI)的復習資料

這是考過四級的人需掌握的資料predominantly 優越地,主要地
successively waves of immigrants 移民不斷湧入
China』s access/accession to WTO
come into being 落成,出現
world-level 世界級的, 世界一流
quality ecation 高質量的教育
qualified personnel 合格人才
and the like 等等
nonprofit 非盈利
extensive and profound 博大精深
state-of-the-art 頂尖水準
around the corner 即將到來
family reunion 舉家團圓
outbound travel 出境游
appreciation of the Chinese RMB versus the Hong Kong dollar 人民幣對港元升值
cuisine 美食,菜系 (Chinese cuisine, Yue cuisine)
scenic spot 景點
star hotel 星級酒店
flock…to/ swarm into 蜂擁而至
be approved by 由…批准
integration of… …的結合
rank the top 名列前茅
parent company 母公司
subsidiary 子公司
head office 總部
branches 分布
representative office 代表處
rise to fame 一舉成名
celebrity 名人,名流
business community 商界
far more than 遠不止
set aside time 留出時間
be attributed to 把…歸因於
commitment 承諾
standard of living 生活水平
cosmopolitan city 大都市
metropolitan 大城市
glamour 魅力
entrepreneur 企業家
entrepreneurship 創業精神
be held in high regard 受推崇
There is wide recognition that 普遍認同
momentum 發展勢頭
growth rate 增長率
equivalent to 相當於
trade barriers 貿易壁壘
interdependence 互相依賴
remarkable achievement 卓越的成就
pro-business environment 有利於企業發展的環境
accounting for 80% of the national output 占國內產量的80%
in particular 尤其
enjoy sustained growth 持續增長
five years in a row 連續五年
for the second year running 連續兩年
the tenth consecutive year 連續十年
with determined steps 鏗鏘的步伐
driving force 主要動力『
Greater China Region 大中華地區
robust economy 強勁的經濟
logistics 物流
bring into play… 發揮
indispensable 不可缺少的
economic integration 經濟一體化
Pan-PRD (Pearl River Delta) 泛珠三角地區
inland China 中國內陸
backland/ hinder land 腹地
terminal building 航站樓
special offer 特別優惠
revenue 收入
impetus 推動
leading company 主要企業,龍頭企業,巨頭 (four leading…四大巨頭)
intense competition 競爭激烈
in the coming five years 在未來五年內
well-established airline 成立已久的航空公司
take the plunge 貿然行動
a tiny fraction of the budget 一小部分預算
all-important 十分重要的
gain foothold 立足
raise profile 提升形象
a handful of 少數的 (形容少)
aging society 老年人口社會
desirable 令人滿意的
resolution of dispute 爭端的解決
draft the contract 起草合同
overe 過期的
quotation 報價
abide by the provisions 遵從規定
payment terms 付款條件
The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties. 仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方都有約束力。
Force Majeure 不可抗力
provisional price 暫定價
transaction 交易
shipping documents 裝運單據
far from being 完全不是
shoulder the day-to-day operation responsibility on his own 獨自肩負日常運營責任
streamline 精簡 (streamlined department 有效率的部門)
has no discrimination against歧視
bring out potentials and capabilities發揮潛能
an exemplary enterprise 公司中的佼佼者
franchise 特許經營權
economic boom 經濟繁榮
impose threat to 對…造成威脅
capital equity 資本份額
human resources 人力資源
hinder the growth of the economy 阻礙經濟的發展
sophisticated instry 尖端產業
outsourcing business 外包業務
bulk discount 批量折扣
the unemployed 失業者
treasure bonds 國庫券
domestic consumption 國內消費
on a large scale 大規模地
competitive edge 競爭優勢
receipt 收據
owe his success to … 把成功歸功於
eligible 有資格的
liability 負債
inflation 通貨膨脹
deflation 通貨緊縮
deficit 赤字 surplus 盈餘
trade deficit 貿易順差
trade surplus 貿易順差
quick-minded 思路敏捷
purchasing power 購買力
foreign exchange 外匯
user-friendly 便於使用的
delegate 代表 delegation 代表團
prestigious 有名望的,有聲望的
symposium 討論會,座談會
new realms of business 新的業務領域
in response to the need for為了滿足…的需要
cutting-edge technology 尖端科技
rental space 可租用面積
stretch over 1000 square meters 佔地面積1000 平米
facilities 設施,設備
infrastructure 基礎設施
multi-functional hall 多功能大廳
suburb = suburban area 郊區
urban area 市區
downtown 市中心區
a small portion 一小部分
unprecedented boom 前所未有的繁榮
value-for-money car 物有所值的汽車
launch new procts 發行新產品
be superior to 優於
be inferior to 劣於
cater for 滿足…
market segment 細分市場
attach great importance to 重視
landmark 地標
milestone 里程碑
with an eye on 瞄準
fuel-efficient 省油的
auto instry 汽車業
R&D budget 研發預算
innovation 創新
correlation 相關性
market capitalization 市值
long held beliefs 長期抱有的信條
be attributed to 歸功於
take advantage of 利用
broadband 寬頻
storage 存儲
multi-core processor 多核處理器
hi-tech 高科技
Silicon Valley 矽谷
comparative advantage 比較優勢
win-win situation 雙贏的局面
intermediary service 中介服務
trillion 萬億
economic turmoil 經濟動盪
in one』s infancy 處於初級階段
be characterized by 特點是…
with online booking more prevalent 隨著網上訂購進一步普及
rampant rise 劇增
pension 養老金, 退休金
a marked fall 明顯下降
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
Dow Hones Instrial Average 道瓊斯工業平均指數
emission (廢氣…)排放
address the issue 解決…問題

隨著…的發展 along with the development of …
全球化 globalization
更大范圍,更廣領域 in a larger range and a wider sphere
小康社會 a moderately developed society (a well-off society)
科教興國 strategy of developing the country through science and ecation
優先 give priority to
思想道德 ideology and ethic
居…之首 rank No.1 in
新視野 new vision
國務院 State Council
農歷正月初一 the first day of the first lunar month
優勢在於 the advantages lie in / rest with / come from / consist in
走向世界 make oneself popular in the world/ go onto the world stage
經濟特區Special Economic Zone
歐盟 EU
欣欣向榮 booming, flourishing
邊陲小鎮 a small border town
歸國華僑 returned overseas Chinese
500強企業 Top 500 Enterprises
總資產 total asset
發祥地 birthplace
尚未完全開放的市場 yet-to-be-opened market
合作共贏 cooperation and mutual bebefit
共同願望 common wish / shared desire
和睦相處 living in amity
風貌 outlook / styles and features
席捲全球 sweep the world
面向未來的 future-oriented
「精誠所至金石為開」 Complete sincerity can break even metal and stone.
世界經濟的前沿 the forefront of the world economy
改革開放政策 reform and opening up policy
全面開放 fully open up
歷史悠久的建築 well-established architecture
一視同仁 no discrimination
提倡 advocate
「盡量扶助,減少干預」 maximum help and minimum interference
地理優勢 geographic advantage
固步自封 rest on our laurels
廣泛使用 widely used
現有經濟、法律、社會制度50年不變 The existing economic, legal and social system will be maintained for 50 years.
造就了得天獨厚的優勢 grant the exceptional edge in …
具有…的作用 play a role of …
多年來 …for many years
配套設施 supporting facilities
跨國企業 transnational enterprises/ multi-national business
據知情人士透露 according to an informed source
行業資深人士 instry veteran
合並 merger 收購 acquisition 並購merger and acquisition (M&A)
今年底 by the end of this year
發展潛力 development potential
65歲及以上 aged 65 or above
提出新要求 bring up new demands for …
針對老年人的產品 procts tailored for the seniors
餐飲、娛樂 catering and entertainment
拓寬市場 expand the market (market expansion)
一定會 be bound to
受到年輕人的青睞 be preferred by young people
新風向 new trend
最合算的,性價比高的 cost-effective
打動消費者 impress the customer
進入外國市場 enter foreign market
致力於 be committed to
最優質的服務 top quality service
處於領先地位 maintain the leadership/ stay a leader
聲譽 reputation
市場份額 market share
10年前興起 started ten years ago
展望未來 looking into the future
受到男士的歡迎 be popular among men/ appealing to men
與本條款和條件有關的爭議應盡可能由雙方友好協商解決 Any dispute arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall to the extent possible be settled through friendly consultations between the parties.
獨家代理 exclusive agency
市場發展趨勢 market tendency
違背條款 violate the stipulations
在合同有效期內 with the validity of this agreement
乙方負擔一切費用 Party B bear all expenses
提交甲方事先核准 submit to Party A for prior approval
市場多元化 market diversification
大力推進 press forward
勝人一籌 have a competitive edge over the rivals
俗話說「不能在一棵樹上弔死」 As the saying goes, 「It is no good to 『put all eggs in one basket』」
十天內提出索賠 Claims should be filed with ten days.
一切損失由賣方負責 All losses should be borne by the seller.
保留索賠權 reserve the right to claim compensation
鑒於… in view of / in light of / in terms of
達到30萬美元 reach USD 300,000
超過30萬 exceed USD 300,000
離不開 stand away from
恪守承諾 honor the commitment
國內外 from home and abroad / at home and abroad
在過去的20多年中 in the last two decades / in the past over 20 years
借著…的東風 benefit from… / taking the opportunities of
秉承著奉獻、創新的企業精神 keep with/uphold the entrepreneurial spirit of dedication and innovation
新興市場 emerging market
排名第三 rank the third / rank No. 3
知識產權 intellectual property rights (IPR)
為…打下堅實的基礎 lay a solid foundation for…
不可分割的一部分 an integral part
共同決策 shared decision
成功之道 way to success
海爾集團的業務主要在…方面 Haier Group』s operations are primarily in the fields of …../ Haier Group specializes in……
典範 a good example of…
外資企業 foreign-funded / foreign-owned enterprises
佔有一席之地 have a share in …
按照這些原則經營 operate according to these principles
脫穎而出 stand out from the crowd / set oneself apart from others
大中型企業 large and medium-sized enterprises
中小型企業 small and medium-sized enterprises
以客戶為中心的 customer-focused
洞察力 insight
持續穩定的增長 sustained and steady growth
擴大客戶群 expand the customer base
把…當作 view… as…
發揮重要作用 play an important / essential role
中專technical secondary school
持之以恆 consistently
領導力 leadership
定期 regularly
越來越多的消費者 more and more consumers / consumers in increasing numbers
生活節奏 life tempo
減輕負擔 lessen the burden / ease the burden
社會地位 social status
扭轉局面 turn around the situation
充分發揮 bring into full play
大展宏圖 realize their ambition
全天候交易 24-hour trading operation
業務輻射全國 radiating its business across the country
影響深遠 have a profound/far-reaching influence on
上市公司 listed company
遠見 broad vision
先驅 pioneer
開始了新篇章 open a new chapter
注冊資本 registered capital
遠大承諾 long-term commitment
戰略夥伴 strategic partner
表明對中國市場的重視 illustrate the importance placed on the Chinese market
招聘新員工 recruit new staff
立足於 hold the principle of… / with the aim of …
飛躍發展 advance by leaps and bounds / have a leap in development / leap development
新時代 new era
上海世博會 World Expo 2010 Shanghai
舉辦活動 hold the event
香港會展中心 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center
激增50% roar 20% / surge 50%
日趨激烈的競爭 increasing competition
經濟收益 economic benefit
零售業 retail business
批發業 wholesale business
調控 regulate / control (v.)
宏觀調控 macro-control
微觀調控 micro-control
關心 be concerned with
出台政策 issue policy / unveil fresh policy
老百姓 ordinary people
備受矚目 attract tremendous attention
精誠合作 cooperate faithfully (v.) / sincere cooperation (n.)
彌補損失 make up for losses
游刃有餘 be quite capable of
公益事業 charity program
滿足需求 meet the requirements / meet the need
房地產 real estate
豐厚的經濟回報 fat economic return
與日俱增、日新月異 increase with each passing day
接近尾聲 near the end
掌上游戲機 portable game player
必由之路 a path that must be followed
生產力 proctivity
知識經濟 knowledge economy
可持續發展 sustainable development
人工智慧 artificial intelligence
離不開 stand away from / do (develop/ proceed) without
忠實可靠的合作夥伴 reliable and trustworthy partner
西部開發 the development of China』s western part
堅持科教興國戰略 adhere to the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and ecation
舉世矚目的成就 achievement that amazed the world
激烈的市場競爭 fierce market competition
亞太地區 the Asian-Pacific region
紡織業 textile instry
推動力 driving force / impetus
領先於 take the lead / outstrip
隨之 accordingly
昔日 bygone days
新的增長的 new growth point
自行車專用道 bicycle lanes
增值服務 value-added service
遵循原則 follow the principles
平均壽命 average life expectancy
公費醫療制 state-funded public medical system
脫貧 lift…out of poverty
生活品質 life quality

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