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發布時間: 2021-04-09 14:18:49

❶ 近三年中高級口譯里經濟政治的高頻詞彙

1. Economy
national economy 國民經濟
macro-economy 宏觀經濟
per capita 人均
domestic consumption 國內消費
disposable income 可支配收入
negative growth 負增長
to fuel domestic demand 拉動內需

(1) There was a dramatic increase in Chinese economy from 2000 to 2007.
(2) The seven years from 2000 to 2007 witnessed a dramatic increase in Chinese economy .
(3) China enjoyed a dramatic increase in economy from 2000 to 2007.
P.S. 無論英文是怎樣的句型,譯成中文都是一樣的~

(1) 趨勢:
a. 上升: soar,rocket,ascend,boom,bloom,spring,mushroom……
b. 下降:drop,slide,decline,descend,plump,plunge,slump,subside,collapse……
c. 波動:fluctuation
d. 保持平穩: remain,tranquil
(2) 幅度:
a. 大幅: dramatically,drastically,sharply,tremendously……
b. 小幅: slightly,steadily,morderately,evenly……
(3) 數字: 萬 ten thousand ;十萬 100 thousand;百萬 million; 千萬 10 million ;億 100 million——強記!!!
(4) 倍數: 翻兩番(四倍) 4 times that of ……;quadrupling that of ……
(5) 百分比: percentage higher/lower than that of ……

eg: 中國的外貿總額再過去6年中大幅攀升,到2006年為最高值4985億美元,跟7年前翻兩番。
China enjoyed a dramatic increase in the foreign trade volume in the past 6 years,reaching the peak $498.5 billion at the end of 2006,4 times that of 7 years ago.

2. Finance
securities 證券
stocks/shares 股票
futures 期貨
bonds 債券
broker 股票交易
foreign exchange reserve 外匯儲備
currency 貨幣
convert……into…… 兌換
bull/bear market
collapse 崩盤
listed company 上市公司
stock exchange 證券交易所
depression 蕭條
recession 衰退
stagnation/standstill 停滯
slackness 不景氣,不活躍
brisk 景氣的,活躍的

3. Trade
surplus 順差
deficit 逆差,赤字
volume 總額
tariff barrier 關稅壁壘
offer 報盤,報價
counteroffer 還價
commission 傭金
incentives 獎金
ceiling price 最高價
floor price 最低價

4. Real estate
per square meter 每平米
downpayment 首付
by mortgage 按揭貸款
by instalments 分期付款
deposit 押金
bubble 泡沫
curb/curtail 抑制,控制
speculation 投機
speculator 投機商
overheating 過熱
regulate 調控


add-on 贈品
greenback 提供現金支持
bottomline 底線,也表示最重要的部分
downsize 企業裁員
corporate ladder 企業晉升制度
glass ceiling 無形的晉升極限
deep pockets 財力雄厚
creative accounting 做假賬

asset 資產
liability 負債
balance sheet 資產負債表
austerity policy 緊縮政策
brand loyalty 品牌忠誠
business fraud 商業欺詐
downturn 轉向蕭條
mping 傾銷
anti-mping measures 反傾銷措施
pitfall 隱患
streamline (v.) 將企業現代化,去除冗餘部分

turnover 營業額
margins 利潤
revenue 收入


For four years in a row(連續四年)

a year-on-year increase(比上年增加)

reform and opening up policy(改革開放政策)

social programs(社會事業)

per capita(每人的,人均的)

after adjusting for inflation(扣除價格因素)

moderately prosperous society(小康社會)

macroeconomic regulatory(宏觀調控)

new socialist countryside(社會主義新農村)

pursuant to the law(依法)

rural migrant workers in cities(農民工)

surplus proction capacity(生產力過剩)

opened to traffic(通車)

energy conservation(節能)

state-owned enterprises(國有企業)

civil servant(公務員)

made breakthroughs(取得突破)

compulsory ecation(義務教育)

miscellaneous fees(雜費)

boarding schools(寄宿制學校)

distance ecation(遠程教育)

secondary vocational schools(中等職業學校)

incorporated villages(行政村)

unincorporated villages(自然村)

After years of effort(經過多年努力)

basic cost of living allowances(最低生活保障)

autonomous regions(自治區)

free our minds(解放思想)

keep pace with the times(與時俱進)

Chinese socialism(中國特色社會主義)

social harmony(社會和諧)

special administrative regions(特別行政區)

prudent fiscal policy.(穩健的財政政策)

boosting domestic demand(擴大內需)


displaced residents((三峽)移民)

non-publicly funded schools(民辦學校)

school year(學年)

communicable diseases(傳染病)

social safety net(社會保障)

discharged military personnel(退伍軍人)

pyramid schemes(傳銷)

pilot project(試點)

Income Tax(所得稅)

futures market(期貨市場)

high value-added(高附加值)


cutthroat competition(惡性競爭)

combat corruption(反腐)

hand over foot(大手大腳)

plug up loopholes(堵塞漏洞)

Chinese People's Armed Police(武警)

starting point and objective(出發點和落腳點)

socialist market economy(社會主義市場經濟)

Scientific Outlook on Development(科學發展觀)

harmonious socialist society(社會主義和諧社會)

tailor measures to suit local conditions(因地制宜)

South-to-North Water Diversion Project(南水北調)

administrative examination and approval(行政審批)

follow a realistic and pragmatic approach(實事求是)

exercise activities for the general public(全民健身活動)

large-scale development of the western region(西部大開發)

processing instry for agricultural procts(農產品加工業)

municipalities directly under the central government(直轄市)

primary, secondary and tertiary instry(第一第二第三產業)

deliver a good report to the people.(向人民交出滿意的答卷)

socialist cultural and ethical progress(社會主義精神文明建設)

give full play to the initiative of each.(充分發揮各自的積極性)

registering the third consecutive annual increase(連續三年增加)

physically and mentally challenged persons(殘疾人,肢殘和智殘)

resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society.(資源節約型和環境友好型社會)

ensure that all of the people share in the fruits of reform and development.(讓全體人民共享改革發展的成果)

❷ 「大盤」牛市」熊市「散戶「被套」割肉」等股票用語英文里怎麼說

熊市和牛市 Bear market; Bull market
Bear 有赤裸的意思
大盤market index
散戶retail investor 或者 private investor
被套quilt cover
share, equity, stock 股票、股權
bond, debenture, debts 債券
negotiable share 可流通股份
convertible bond 可轉換債券
treasury/government bond 國庫券/政府債券
corporate bond 企業債券
closed-end securities investment fund 封閉式證券投資基金
open-end securities investment fund 開放式證券投資基金
fund manager 基金經理/管理公司
fund custodian bank 基金託管銀行
market capitalization 市值
p/e ratio 市盈率(price/earning)
mark-to-market 逐日盯市
payment versus delivery 銀券交付
clearing and settlement 清算/結算
commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生產品
put / call option 看跌/看漲期權
margins, collateral 保證金
rights issue/offering 配股
bonus share 紅股
dividend 紅利/股息
ADR 美國存托憑證/存股證(American Depository Receipt)
GDR 全球存托憑證/存股證(Global Depository Receipt)
retail/private investor 個人投資者/散戶
institutional investor 機構投資者
broker/dealer 券商
proprietary trading 自營
insider trading/dealing 內幕交易
market manipulation 市場操縱
prospectus 招股說明書
IPO 新股/初始公開發行(Initial Public Offering)
merger and acquisition 收購兼並
All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亞)股市指數
Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美國股票交易所
amortize 攤提,分期償還債務
annuity 年金享受權
asking price 賣主的開叫價
assess 對(財產等)進行估價,確定(款項)的金額
back 拖欠的
bad loan 呆賬,壞賬
lout 幫助……擺脫困境
balloon (分期付款中)最後數目特大的一筆
barometer 晴雨表,[喻]標記,指標
basis point 基點(一個百分點的百分之一)
bear markets 熊市
blue-chip (股票等)熱門的,(在同行中)最賺錢的
forex foreign exchange
bond 債券,公債
bourse 交易所,證券交易所
bull markets 牛市
bullish 牛市的
bunji-change 快速的大幅度變化
CAC-40 Index (法國)股市指數
CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大額存款單
Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商業交易所
Consumer Price Index 消費者價格指數
contagion 蔓延
correction 調整
coupon rate 券根利率
CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 農礦產品交易顧問
Currency board 貨幣委員會
DAX index (法蘭克福)德國股市指數
dead loan 死帳
delist 從上市證券表中除名
derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或債券、外匯或匯率以及股票或股價指數等現貨市場衍生出來,主要有期貨futures、期權option trading與掉期swap三種類型,品種多達100餘種。)
discount 貼現
discount rate 貼現率
DJIA Dow-Jones Instrial Average 道?瓊斯公用事業股價平均數。通常簡稱Dow(道),是30個主要工業公司股票價格的組合。
Dow-Jones Composite Average of 65 representative stocks 65種有代表性的股票的道?瓊斯公用事業股價平均數
Dow-Jones Transpositions Average 道?瓊斯運輸業股價平均數
Dow-Jones Utilities Average 道?瓊斯公用事業股價平均數
down 付現款
equity (押款金額以外的)財產價值,證券,股票
escrow 由第三者保存、等條件完成後即交受讓人的契據(或證書等)
face value 面值
Federal Agency Issues 聯邦機構債券
fluctuation 起伏
fluctuate 起伏
fraud 欺騙,欺詐
fraulence 欺騙(欺詐)行為
fraulent 欺詐的
FTSI Financial Times 100 Share Index (英國)金融時報100種股票指數
good 有效的
Hang Seng Index (香港)恆生指數
holdings 佔有的財產,股票
Ibbotson Small Company Index Ibbotson Company Index中包括近2700家公司:即在紐約股市上交易的最後的20%股票
imburse 賠償
initial share 原始股
IRA Indivial Retirement Account 個人退休賬號
junk bond 假債券
junk bonds 垃圾債券
lien 扣押權,留置權
liquidate 清算,破產
list (交易所)上市證券;把(證券)列人上市證券表
long position 多頭
margin 差額,保險金
mutual fund 公共基金
NASD=National Association of Securities Dealers 全美證券交易者協會
NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) 納斯達克(全美證券交易者協會自動化摘要)
NAV (Net Asset Value) 凈資產值
new issue ( IPOInitial Public Offering)新上市股票
Nikkei Stock Aver age 日經股票平均指數
nosedive (價格等)暴跌
NYSE』Volume 紐約股票交易量
NYSE』s composite index 紐約股票交易綜合指數
NYSE(New York Stock Exchange) 紐約股票交易所(也稱或Big Board)
obligation 契約,債券
outstanding 拖欠的
par value 票面價值
plummet 驟然跌落
policy 保險單
pool 集合基金
portfolio 有價證券
preferred stock 優先股票
premium 獎金,傭金,擔保費
premium 溢價
proceeds 收入,收益
rally (股票價格等)止跌,上揚
rebound 反彈
recoup 償還,補償
recovery 恢復
red-chip share 紅籌股
refund 償還
rescue package 一攬子救援計劃
resilience 回彈,復原力
resilient 有回彈力的,恢復活力的
risk 保險項目
run 擠提存款,擠兌,爭購
Russell 2000 Russell 2000種小資本股票
S&P 500(Standard & Poor』s 500 Composite Stock Price Index) 標准普爾股價指數
SEC(Federal Securities and Exchange Commission) 聯邦證券與交易委員會
securities 證券,債券
shares (英)股票=(美)stock
shore up 支撐
slash (大幅度)削減(工資等)
slump 暴跌,不景氣
SMI index (蘇黎士市)瑞士股票指數
solvent 有償還能力的
speculate 投機
speculation 投機
speculator 投機者
T-Bill (Treasury Bill) 美國短期國債(每星期發行一次)
T-bond (Treasury Bond) 美國長期國債(期限為20年或30年)
T-note (Treasury Note) 美國中期國債(期限為2年到10年)
Technology-heavy Nasdaq 以技術為主的Nasdaq
Technology-laden Nasdaq 以技術為主的Nasdaq
term 年限
tech-heavy NASDAQ 以技術股票為主的NASDAQ
technology-rich stocks 技術股票
technology-weighted index (NASDAQ) 反映技術股票的指數(NASDAQ)

❸ 新東方老師的年薪大概是多少








❹ 做英語口譯怎樣


自學一年成翻譯學英語聽和說的最好方法是生活在英語環境中,天天聽英語,說英語。但是我沒有這樣的條件。沒有條件可以創造條件,在半導體收錄機如此普及的今天,聽英語錄音就是一個切實可行的辦法。我當時學習的勁頭很大,先後學習過The Man Who Escape《逃跑的人》、English for Today一Book Four:The Changing Tec-nology《今日英語——第四冊:日新月異的科技》、《英語900句》等書和錄音帶。學的時候對著書看,似乎沒有什麼不明白的地方。但一年左右下來,花的功夫不少,收獲卻不大,英語水平(聽、說和快速閱讀能力等)並沒有什麼明顯的提高,好像碰到了一個很不容易逾越的壁壘。在這種情況下,我很苦悶和仿惶:進一步學習提高吧,好像困難重重,難以取得什麼突破性的進展;但是放下不學吧,工作中確實需要,而且我當時單身一人在沈陽,業余時間沒有什麼事可做,所以還是想學英語。但是怎麼學呢?請教一位專職英語翻譯,他說,「我們在外語學院專門學了好幾年,也不是都能聽懂,你已經45歲了,恐怕困難更多。」聽了他的這番話,使我認識到學習英語的艱巨性,打消了急於求成的思想,做好了長期作戰的准備。一天,我突然回想起我聽懂京戲唱詞的過程:40年代未從南方到了北京以後,覺得京戲很好聽,可是聽不懂,不知道哼哼呀呀唱的什麼。60年代初我與一位京戲迷住在一起,他有很多京戲唱片。我問他怎樣才能聽懂京戲,他說京戲很程式化,只要一字一字地聽懂幾出就好辦了。此後只要一放唱片,他就一句一句地告訴我唱的是什麼詞。就這樣,我慢慢地聽懂了幾出戲,此後再去聽別的果然也能聽懂了。我不是也可以用這種方法去學習英語嗎?但是,從哪裡起步呢?我的聽力很差,語速稍快一點的根本聽不懂,只能去聽專門為初學英語者設計的慢速英語。說干就干,當晚就開始一詞一詞、一句一句聽寫慢速英語。這一天是1980年1月31日,是很值得我回憶的,因為從此我就走上了踏踏實實地自學英語的成功之路,而且從未中斷過。在剛開始聽寫的時候,雖然我已經認得不少詞,但由於不會念,聽到了也不知道是什麼詞,很難繼續學下去。如何解決這個問題?我果斷地停止了聽寫錄音帶,改為跟學電台的「初級廣播英語」,從最基礎的英語發音學起,足足學了五個月,把自己的基礎英語知識比較徹底地重新加固了一下。真是「磨刀不誤砍柴工」,此後再去聽原來的錄音就覺得不是很困難了。現在回想起來,這一步是很值得的,如果沒有這五個月的退卻,就不可能有我今天的英語水平。聽寫慢速英語,經歷了起步、鞏固和提高三個階段,用了一年半左右的時間,英語水平有了一定的提高,可以完成技術講解中的口譯任務。到此我並沒有停步,而是繼續聽寫各種各樣題材的Standard English,尤其是利用車禍後卧床不起的三個月時間進行系統的聽寫,聽力得到了明顯的提高。對於水平比較高的人來說,慢速英語實在是太容易了。正如有的書的作者所說的「只要每天聽上5分鍾,就可以聽懂」,或者認為「只要會1500個最基本的英語單詞就可以聽懂」。其實並沒有這么簡單。這就是所謂的「會者不難,難者不會」。我剛開始聽寫時,不但一條新聞聽不到底,連一句話也聽不到底。不知道一句話里有多少個詞,每個詞都是什麼音,由什麼字母拼寫而成。所以只得一邊聽一邊把聽懂了的詞寫出來,聽寫不出來就先空著,用紅鉛筆標出來。這樣,10分鍾的國際新聞,花十幾個小時都不一定能聽寫出來。有的人認為我之所以能堅持下來,是因為對英語有特殊的興趣,感到學習英語是一種享受。現在我對英語確實有特別濃厚的興趣,深深地感到學習英語是一種享受。但在剛開始學習的時候卻完全相反,感到學習英語是一種沉重的負擔。當時的苦悶是難以形容的——一個人坐在室內,面對收錄機,一連幾個小時,翻來覆去地進帶倒帶,十幾遍也不一定能聽得懂一個詞一句話,實在是枯燥極了!有時真想把收錄機砸了,不聽了!但一想到「水滴石穿」、「只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針」和「楔而不舍,金石可 鏤」等,又重新鼓起學習勁頭,堅持了下來。現在回想起來,如果當時知難而退,半途而廢的話,是不可能取得成功的。著時間的推移,我的英語水平也逐步提高了。我在自學英語過程中經常向一位翻譯請教。剛一開始,有了聽不懂的,只要打電話把聽不懂的詞的前後詞告訴他,他就能立即告訴我中間應該是什麼詞。一聽果然不錯,我心中實在佩服極了,覺得「人家大學英語本科畢業的就是不一樣,就是行」。心中暗暗地想,要是我能達到他這樣的水平該有多好。過了一段時間,大約十個月後,我再聽不懂,他電話里就回答不了了,必須拿錄音帶去聽才行,但仍然是聽上一兩遍就立即能告訴我應該是什麼。後來我再繼續聽Standard English,有了問題去問時,他就不是立即能回答了,要與我一起討論,一起猜了。又如在我完成了起步階段的學習任務以後正好到北京參加一次技術交流,來的人就是原來我們去國外訪問時給我們講解的人,但是這一次我基本上能聽懂他們的講解。休息時我問他們,是不是因為到了中國,才故意把講話的速度放慢了?他們笑著回答說:「我們一直是用同一個語速講的,只不過是你的聽力提高了,覺得我們講得慢了。」從這些經歷中我看到了自己的進步。由於英語水平的提高,技術講座中翻譯譯得對不對我也能作出判斷了。有時翻譯與我的理解不一致,在場的外籍華人一般情況下都說我的理解對(當然這里起主要作用的是我懂專業,其實專業翻譯們的英語水平比我高多了)。這種情況重復多了,中國電子設備系統工程公司總經理1982年初訪問德國前提出讓我當翻譯。這是我萬萬沒有想到的,我回答說幹不了。但他堅持說我幹得了,並給了我很多鼓勵。於是我進行了詳細的准備,擬定了一些情景對話。如:一到海關,可能問什麼,怎麼回答,參觀時可能會有什麼問題,怎麼翻譯等等,並且把准備好的稿子對著錄音機念,再放出來給自己聽,看像不像。盡管進行了這樣准備,一到國外,實際對話時完全不是那麼一回事,不是聽不懂就是說不了,困難極了。當時我手裡隨時拿著一個本子,有聽不懂的,說不了的就立即記下來,晚上回到旅館,再累也要查詞典,看會話手冊,一定要把白天不明白的地方搞懂了以後才休息。這件事情對我是一個轉折,大大地增加了我的自信心,確信自己是能學會英語的。能承擔口譯任務以後我仍然一點也不放鬆自學,每天仍堅持學習英語,以做到「曲不離口」、「常學常新」。有時別人問我:「你已經會說會聽了,就行了,為什麼還花這么多時間學英語?」我只有回答說:「我喜歡英語」。這也是真的,比方說春節的時候,家裡別的人看春節電視節目一直到半夜一兩點,我就一直學習英語到半夜一兩點。與學其他知識一樣,自學英語必須要有一絲不苟和精益求精的學習精神,碰到問題要打破砂鍋問到底,不達目的決不罷休,只要搞不懂就一直要掛在心上,一有機會就要學要問。對於學到的東西決不要滿足於一知半解,而要深入鑽研,把邊邊角角的有關知識都搞清楚,只有這樣才會如同小學生學語文一樣,每天都能學到新的詞,掌握的英語知識才會越來越多,水平才會越來越高。下面舉幾個典型的例子。一次聽到了Khmer Rouge,其中Rouge一詞聽不懂。兩年後一次聽一篇有關美國婦女化妝的文章,其中提到rouge(口紅),這才恍然大悟,原來是「紅色高棉」,存在兩年左右的問題終於有了答案。Condition一詞與醫學有關的解釋一般只作「條件和狀態」講,但在形容人有心臟病時用heart condition,覺得解釋成「心臟條件和狀態」都不太通順。後來從一本新出版的Longman詞典中,才知道這個詞可以直接作「病」解。聽有關菲律賓反對黨領袖阿基諾被刺的消息時,不斷地聽到tar mac一詞,根據發音找不著,後來請教一美國工程師,才知道是「柏油碎石路」,是從tar macadam一詞簡化而來的。又如一次錄下The peace talks between lran and lraq wentinto square one這樣一句話,根據上下文推測出是兩伊和談沒有取得什麼進展的意思,但是手頭的詞典上沒有square one這個片語,無法確切得知是否聽寫對了,因此見人就問。後來拿著錄音給一個從加拿大回來的博士聽,他肯定了我聽寫的是對的。我並沒有到此為止,到處找詞典,最後終於在The Penguin Dictionary of English ldioms上找到了如下有關back to square one的解釋:Back to square one一back to the very beginning of some task or enterprise as a result of a setback.The allusion is to the game of Ludo when a player is sent to square one if he lands on the wrong square.這樣,對於這個詞的來歷就知道了。知道了就有用,China Daily l990年7月7日有一個標題是這樣寫的:Back to square one on talks over Northern lreland又如一次從慢速英語有關經濟消息的節目中聽寫出deriva-tives一詞,查詞典,其解釋為「衍生的,派生的;導數」,找不到與經濟有關的解釋,不知道指的是什麼。直到後來英國巴林銀行的職員利森案發後,各種新聞媒介上有關derivatives的報導增多,才知外匯或匯率以及股票或股價指數等現貨市場衍生出來的金融商品,主要有期貨futures、期權option trading和掉期swap種類型。我比較注意總結學習經驗,每隔一段時間要回憶一下有什麼經驗教訓和體會。我採用的學習方法沒有有形的課本,一開始只有聲音,必須「聽、寫、說、背、想」五法並舉,才能搞清楚錄音說的是什麼,等到全部錄音都聽寫出來了,才有一個有形的課本,與通常的從有形的課本人手的「正向」方法不同,是「逆向」進行的,故名逆向法。採用逆向法自學英語有很多優點。把經驗和體會寫出來就是已經出版發行的《慢速英語入門》、《科技英語聽力自學要訣》、《英語學習逆向法》、《聽力過關技巧》以及《英語新聞廣播常用詞語選編》等五本書。從此以後,我經常給別人講如何學習英語,尤其是1990年以來,經常輔導各個層次的人學習英語,對他們學習碰到的各種問題有了進一步的了解,對逆向法優點的體會也就更深刻了。

❺ 如何做會議口譯


❻ 中級口譯口試部分會抽書里的哪幾段好像語言能力 書法藝術這樣的章節都不太抽到的是么

1. P58 宴會招待



2. P77 投資意向



3. P153 開幕祝詞



4. P132 共創未來



5. P171 綠色城市



6. P194 傳統節日



7. P231 繼往開來



8. P249 環境保護



9. P256 習武健身



10.P285 股票市場



❼ 請有對炒股有經驗的來講解幾句,謝謝

何況你現在的錢太少了,適當的了解一下也行,其實等你以後工作了,再去了解也不晚,我現在也在炒,我只是覺得,在大學本科階段,很多事情在等著你做, 也許在你看起來不值得去做,其實很有必要的,好好的充實你的大學生活吧,過來人的一點看法

❽ 自考英語本科口譯與聽力(山東)

我也是九月份要考。網上都有題型,還有課本聽力。我已經下載來聽了。我們老師有給我們劃重點,主考院校就是我們學校。不過我是福建的。不知道重點會不會一樣。 A. 聽力樣卷(節選)
1. True / False Questions
Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following lecture. At the end of the lecture you will be given 100seconds to answer the following 10 questions. Mark F if the statement is false. T if it is true. Remember to mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET provided.
1. The latest figure of Canadian population is 27 million.
2. Nearly half of the Canadian land is covered by forest.
3. You don't really need a heavy coat in Vancouver even in winter.
4. The German-speaking population in Canada is larger than the Ukrainian-speaking population.
5. The less fortunate in Canada can't afford to go to a restaurant.

II. Multiple-choice Questions (3 options)
Questions 1 to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk, you will be given 75 seconds to answer the following five questions. Remember to mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET provided.
1. What is the main topic of the presentation?
A. Language and learning
B. Artificial intelligence.
C. The human brain.
2. What is the model for Artificial Intelligence systems?
A. Intelligent behavior.
B. A machine.
C. The human brain.
3. What is an Artificial Intelligence system better than the human brain?
A. When there is a lot of information to remember and process.
B. When questions need to be answered.
C. When intelligent behavior is needed.

III. Multiple-choice Questions (4 options)
Questions 1 to 5 refer to the interview in this section. At the end of the interview, you will be given 75 seconds to answer the following five questions. Remember to mark your answers on the ANSER SHEET provided.
1. Which of the following statements about Professor Paulson is true?
A. he is a socialist.
B. He has written many books on social classes.
C. He has never visited any other country outside North America.
D. He is well-known in his field.
2. Why did he start his lecture with an account of history?
A. To help listener understand better.
B. To show that he has done some homework for the lecture.
C. To illustrate that he is a history.
D. To make clear that people in the past behaved differently.
3. What does the phrase 「time off」 mean?
A. No more time left.
B. A period of time for rest.
C. Unemployment.
D. Time set aside for celebration.
4. What does the speaker want to illustrate by the Roman example?
A. The Romans worked hard.
B. Ancient Romans were eager to be leaders.
C. Even people in the fifth century were keen on having holidays.
D. Roman civilization reached the summit in the fifth century.

IV. Compound Dictation. 20%
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Then listen to the passage again. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 7 with 4 words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 8 to 9 you are required to fill in 6 words you have just heard. Finally, you』ll hear the whole passage again to check what you』ve written down. Please write on the Answer Sheet.
Saving money is a first step toward wealth. (1)_____ _____ _____ ______ the future also supports the banking system. Banks need (2)_____ _____ _____ ______ to provide money for loans. In the United States, people who want to (3)_____ _____ _____ ______ have many choices. Banks, savings in loans and credit unions are traditional places (4) _____ _____ _____ ______.
Credit unions are cooperative for people who are (5) _____ _____ _____ ______. For example, the members may (6)_____ _____ _____ ______ or a government agency. Most credit unions are non-profit organizations. Savings are protected (7)_____ _____ _____ ______ if a federally guaranteed bank, savings associations or credit union ever fails. Savers have their money guaranteed up to 100,000 dollars.
Banks and other financial organizations pay interest on savings accounts. But the interest rates are low. Certificates of the deposit are another way to save. They pay higher interest rates. With a certificate of deposit, a person agrees not (8)__________________________________for a period of time. The term could be three months or it could be several years. (9) __________________________________ higher interest. People can withdraw their money early but at a cost.

V. Answer the Following Questions. 10%
Directions: Give brief answers to the following questions according to what you hear on the tape. You will listen to this item twice.
1. How many people have been killed in the bomb attack?
2. What had the nine injured policemen been called to do?
3. What happened to the second bomb?
4. What did the doctors treating the injured say?
5. Who has claimed responsibility for the blast?

B. 口譯樣卷




When people buy stock, most do so through one of the securities exchanges or marketplaces for stocks and bonds. // These marketplaces are commonly called 「stock exchange」 and they provide a meeting place for both the buyer and seller. // To understand why such securities or stock exchanges are important in the purchase and sale of stocks and bonds, consider what would happen if you, and everyone who wanted to buy or sell securities, had to find your own buyer or seller. //
These exchanges are nothing more than locations where stocks are bought and sold. And since there is a common meeting place for these transactions, people interested in buying and selling go there or send their representatives. // The result is a very systematic market process, where transactions are handled in an orderly manner and the operations are both supervised and regulated by law. // In this way, the buyer or seller is ensured that the best price is secured and they are not shortchanged or cheated in any way. //


中國最後一個封建王朝清朝在承德營建了規模宏大的離宮——避暑山莊,在山莊外圍又修建了12座佛教寺廟。// 清王朝前期的幾個皇帝經常在這里消夏避暑,處理國家大事,進行一些重大的政治活動。因此,它實際上是清王朝的第二政治中心。//
山莊的萬樹園景點充滿了自然野趣,園中佳木馥郁,旁襯開闊的草地。// 當年清帝常在萬樹園一帶設野宴款待少數民族王公貴族。// 宴會後還要組織摔跤等活動,在粗獷、樸野的自然景觀中顯示武士的力和美。//
在避暑山莊西北240公里處有一片水草豐茂的大草原,這就是木蘭圍場。這里夏季適於避暑,秋季適於狩獵。// 圍場東西、南北均為150公里,周長600公里,是聞名世界的皇家獵苑。//



人們大多是通過證券交易所或股票和債券市場購買股票的,// 這些市場通常被稱作「股票交易所」,它們為買賣雙方提供了一個交易場所。// 為了弄清這些證券或股票交易所在股票和債券買賣中的重要性,可以設想一下,如果每個想要買或賣股票的人都必須自己去尋找賣方或買方,那將會是怎樣的情形。//
這些交易所不過是股票買賣的場所。這些交易自從有了公共場所之後,對買賣證券的人就自己到場或委託其代理人前往交易。// 一個十分系統的市場體系就形成了,在這里,交易可有序地進行,操作過程可依法得到監督管理。// 這樣,買方或賣方可以確保得到最好的價格,無論如何都不會遭受欺騙。//


Qing Dynasty, the last feudal dynasty in China, constructed a grand temporary abode for emperors in Chengde——the Imperial Resort, outside which 12 Buddhist temples were built. // Emperors of the early period of Qing Dynasty often spent summers here to escape the heat, deal with state affairs and organize some important political activities. Therefore, it was actually the second political center of Qing Dynasty. //
The Garden of Trees, a scenic spot in the Imperial Resort, is full of natural wild interest with fine fragrant trees and wide meadows. // The emperors of Qing Dynasty often gave picnic feasts near the Garden in honor of the nobility of the minority nationalities. // After the feasts, such activities as wrestling were held, displaying the strength and beauty of the warriors in a rough, plain natural landscape. //
The Mulan Imperial Hunting Park is a piece of broad lush grassland 240 km northwest of the Imperial Resort. It fits for escaping the heat in summer and hunting in autumn. // It is 15 km long both from east to west and from south to north, and 600 km in perimeter. The Resort is a world-famous Imperial Hunting Park. //

❾ "炒股"用英文怎麼說

1. 炒股: speculate in shares---【簡明漢英詞典】

2. 炒股: To speculate in the stock market --〖金融術語〗

❿ 請問哪些行業需要翻譯(口譯和筆譯)最多呢,最有發展前景,請高手支招


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