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㈠ 寫本科畢業論文,題目:股票投資風險控制方法,後面要附帶一個外國文獻。




㈡ 關於股票的一些英語問題!


the characteristic of legal right合法權力性
shareholders』 congress股東大會
members of the board of directors董事會成員
negotiable securities有價證券
share interest(dividend)股息
periodical revenue定期收入
the characteristic of universal circulation普遍流通性
the characteristic of monetary speculation金融投機性
the price of stock股票價格
the characteristic of investment risk投資冒險性
issue stocks發行股票
subscribe stocks認購股票
securities exchange證券交易所
securities company證券公司
to raise funds for the enterprise 為企業籌集資金
to be concive to the decentralization of proprietary rights 有助於所有權的分散
to provide a means of equal distribution of social wealth 提供一種平等分配社會財富的手段
to promote the long-term investment of international funds 促進國際資金的長期投資
to accelerate the turnover of international capital 加速各國之間資金的周轉
to further the advancement of world economy and international trade 促進世界經濟和國際貿易的發展
to coordinate international relations 協調國際經濟關系
executive director of board 執行董事
concurrent director of board 兼職董事
chairman of the board of directors (general director) 董事主席(董事長)
director manager 董事經理
permanent director of board 永久董事
acting director of board代理董事
ordinary shares (common stock) 普通股
merit-based shares 優績股
developmental shares 成長股
speculative shares 投機股
preference shares 優先股
accumulative preference shares 累積優先股
non- accumulative preference shares非累積優先股
transferable preference shares 可調換優先股
accumulative- transferable preference shares 累積調換優先股
substantial shares 實質股
craze shares熱門股
the par value of shares 股票面值
the net value of shares股票凈值
the market value of shares 股票市值
the sum of shares 股份總數
the money paid for shares 股金
the serial number of shares 股票編號
open an account with the stockbroker 開戶
completion of a business transaction 交割
transferring ownership 過戶
liquidation of stocks 股票的清算
crisscross deal 交叉交易
selective shares deal 股票選擇交易
date declare 宣布日
date of record 股權登記日
date payable 派息日
superior shares 優良股
buying up 多頭
short sales (short position) 空頭
bull market 牛市
bear market 熊市
opening price 開盤價
closing price收盤價
suspension of business in case of skyrocketing of stock prices 漲停板
suspension of business in case of slump of stock prices 跌停板
settlement and compensation 清償
spot transaction (over-the-counter deal) 現貨交易
credit deal 信用交易
forward business (future trades) 期貨交易
investment trust company 投資信託公司
petty investors with limited means 小戶投資者
principal quotation 主要行情
secondary quotation 次要行情
routine quotation (blackboard quotation) 日常行情(黑板行情)
reasonable quotation 合理行情
irrational quotation不合理行情
wavering quotation with undercurrent 隱含暗流的徘徊行情

㈢ 關於投資組合的英語論文

投資組合 portfolio investment

In economics and finance, Portfolio Investment represents passive holdings of securities such as foreign stocks, bonds, or other financial assets, none of which entails active management or control of the securities' issuer by the investor; where such control exists, it is known as foreign direct investment.

Some examples of portfolio investment are:

purchase of shares in a foreign company.
purchase of bonds issued by a foreign government.
acquisition of assets in a foreign country.
Factors affecting international portfolio investment:

tax rates on interest or dividends (investors will normally prefer countries where the tax rates are relatively low)
interest rates (money tends to flow to countries with high interest rates)
exchange rates (foreign investors may be attracted if the local currency is expended to strengthen)
Portfolio investment is part of the capital account on the balance of payments statistics.

投資組合 (Investment portfolio),又名 資產投資組合,所重視的是資產,例如股票、債券、外幣、期權、貴金屬、衍生性金融商品、房地產、土地、古董、上市公司地位(俗稱「殼」)、藝術品、及至紅酒等。 一個投資組合是一個投資者手上持手的資產性投資組合的成分,其中可分類為進取型、保守型等。 一個優質的資產投資組合最理想的是具高流動性、平穩及較高收益、低投資風險等。


In finance, a portfolio is an appropriate mix of or collection of investments held by an institution or a private indivial. In building up an investment portfolio a financial institution will typically conct its own investment analysis, whilst a private indivial may make use of the services of a financial advisor or a financial institution which offers portfolio management services. Holding a portfolio is part of an investment and risk-limiting strategy called diversification. By owning several assets, certain types of risk (in particular specific risk) can be reced. The assets in the portfolio could include stocks, bonds, options, warrants, gold certificates, real estate, futures contracts, proction facilities, or any other item that is expected to retain its value.

Portfolio management involves deciding what assets to include in the portfolio, given the goals of the portfolio owner and changing economic conditions. Selection involves deciding what assets to purchase, how many to purchase, when to purchase them, and what assets to divest. These decisions always involve some sort of performance measurement, most typically expected return on the portfolio, and the risk associated with this return (i.e. the standard deviation of the return). Typically the expected return from portfolios of different asset bundles are compared.

The unique goals and circumstances of the investor must also be considered. Some investors are more risk averse than others.

Mutual fund have developed particular techniques to optimize their portfolio holdings. See fund management for details.

[edit] Porfolio formation
Many strategies have been developed to form a portfolio.

equally-weighted portfolio
capitalization-weighted portfolio
price-weighted portfolio
optimal portfolio (for which the Sharpe ratio is highest)

[edit] Models
Some of the financial models used in the process of Valuation, stock selection, and management of portfolios include:

Maximizing return, given an acceptable level of risk.
Modern portfolio theory—a model proposed by Harry Markowitz among others.
The single-index model of portfolio variance.
Capital asset pricing model.
Arbitrage pricing theory.
The Jensen Index.
The Treynor Index.
The Sharpe Diagonal (or Index) model.
Value at risk model.

Portfolio returns can be calculated either in absolute manner or in relative manner. Absolute return calculation is very straight forward, where return is calculated by considering total investment and total final value. Time ration and cash flow in portfolio doesn't influence final return.

To calculate more accurate return of your investments you have to use complicated statistical models like Internal rate of return or Modified Internal Rate of Return. The only problem with these models are that, they are very complicated and very difficult to compute by pen and paper. You need to have a scientific calculator or some software. Both of these models consider all cash flow(Money In/Money Out) and provide more accurate returns than absolute return. Time is a major factor in these models.

㈣ 有篇關於股市方面的英語文章翻譯!(不要是網上和有道那裡的翻譯,請英語高手幫忙)


㈤ 求一篇關於股票投資的小論文 2000字左右。。。 急。。。。。。


㈥ 設定是你有100000英鎊,以股票投資三個公司,求2000字論文


一方面, 發行普通股籌措具有永久性,無到期日,不需歸還。沒有固定的股利負擔,股利的支付與否和支付多少,視公司有無盈利和經營需要而定;

㈦ 求一篇關於股票的論文

證劵投資分析 隨著我國經濟的發展,人民生活水平的提高,家庭金融資產的不斷增加,投資理財已成為日益重要的問題,投資理財是針對風險進行個人資財的有效投資,以使財富保值、增值,能夠抵禦社會生活中的經濟風險,不管是儲蓄投資、股票投資,外匯、保險投資,由於投資品種日益增多,所需的專業知識也不盡相同,投資方法也很難完全掌握,以下是本人對證劵投資分析的淺見。
一、 風險的定義與衡量
在投資者進行投資決策時,決策者(X)可能得到的利益(R)不僅取決於他自己選擇行動(a),而且還取決於其他一些條件或他人採取的行動(b)。設決策者X可能選擇的行動集合為A:{a1,a2,...…a n},經濟社會(Y)可能發生的狀態或他人可能採取的行動為B: {b1,b2,...bi,…b n}。決策者的收益函數方表示為:R=f(a、b),a∈A,b∈B.這個函數表示,決策者X採取行動為a的利益和他的選擇有關,也和經濟社會發生的狀態(或他人採取的行動)有關。Y採取的行動b相對於X的利益可以是「中性」的(不有意使X的處境更好,也不有意使X的處境更糟);如果X和Y的利益是沖突的, Y就可能傾向於採取減少X利益的行動;如果X和Y的利益是一致的,則Y就有可能採取增決於Y 的行動。但是在一般情況下,對於X而言Y的行動具有不確定性,從而X是在不確定的條件進行決策的。
當存在不確定時,決策者的決策就具有風險。風險就是不加X利益的行動。從決策論的角度看,X採取怎樣的行動,作出怎樣的決策,還要取確定性,源於不完全信息或者非對稱信息。風險的必要條件是決策面臨著不確定的條件。當一項決策者在不確定條件下進行時,具有的風險的含義是:從事前的角度看,決定所購買的資產預期收益變動的可能性及其變動幅度;從事後的角度,指由於不確定性因素而造成的決策損失或相對損失 。在計量經濟學中,風險通常用統計學上的標准差來衡量。

三、 證券投資風險的計量方法分析
如果把市場上所有可能選擇的證券構成一個按它們的市場比重為權重的組合資產,就稱之為市場組合資產.當投資者僅持有由風險資產組成的市場組合時,每一證券收益率與市場組合收益率的關系就表現為每一證券收益率中與市場組合收益率無關的部分會由於持有市場組合而完全消失,也即每一證券的風險是根據與市場組合的協方差的大小來決定的。體現了單個證券收益與整個「市場組合」收益二者的關系,β I 描述了單個證券對於市場組合收益變化的敏感性。稱為β I 證券I 的系統風險。由於β m =1,所以證券的系統風險可以劃分為兩類,對於β>1的證券,其風險大於平均系統風險;反之,其風險小於平均系統風險。所以β可以衡量證券的相對風險。
定義1 設有相同期望值的兩項投資W1和W2,如果
定義2 若設W1和W2為二項投資,存在一個隨機變數ξ, 使得W2= W1+ξ, ξ 為雜訊且 E{ξ| W1}=0,則W1比W2的風險小。
定義3 設W1和W2的分布函數F和G被限制在區間[a ,b]內,且
T(Y)=∫ay[G(x)-F(x)]d x
設證券收益率為R,它的期望收益率為μ,R=μ +ξ。
其中,E{ξ}=0, μ=E{R}。定義隨機變數,
ξ+=ξ(當ξ≥0),ξ+=0 (當ξ<0);
ξ-=0 (當ξ≥0),ξ-=ξ(當ξ<0)。
- E{ξ-}為證券的風險測度,稱之為平均損失。
對於兩個證券R1 、R2,相應地應有
R1= E{ R1}+ξ1
R2= E{ R2}+ξ2
如果- E{ξ1-}>- E{ξ2-},則我們說證券1的風險比證券2大。
進行證劵投資就是為了妥善的管理我們的財產,把證劵投資風險降到最低是我們每一位投資者所必須考慮的問題! 僅供參考。。。

㈧ z關於炒股熱的英語短文

1、 了解股市知識:看《炒股必讀》、《股市理論》。
2、 掌握炒股理論:如:《道氏理論》、《波浪理論》、《電腦炒股入門》、《精典技術圖例》、《分析家籌碼實戰技法》、《陳浩先生籌碼分布講義》。
3、 看一看分析邏輯:如:《投資智慧》、《投資顧問》、《證券分析邏輯》。
4、 閱讀大師書籍:如:黃家堅的《股市倍增術》;唐能通的《短線是銀》之一、之二、之三、之四;陳浩、楊新宇先生的《股市博奕論》、《無招勝有招》。
5、 看實戰案例:推薦陳浩的《炒股一招先》百集VCD、唐能通的《破譯股價密碼》12集。
Myself to the stock feeling interest, from on-line obtained the studymethod, the method as follows:
1st, understanding stock market knowledge: Looked "炒股Must Read","Stock market Theory".
2nd, grasps 炒股the theory: For example: "Theory", "Wave theory","Computer 炒股Crosses the threshold", "Fine Standard TechnologyChart of symbols", "Analyst Chip Actual combat Technique", "Mr. ChenHao Chip Distributed Printed lecture".
3rd, looks at the analysis logic: For example: "Investment Wisdom","Invests Consultant", "Negotiable securities Analysis Logic".
4th, reads the master books: For example: The Huang family is firm"Stock market To multiply Technique"; Tang Nengtong "Short line IsSilver" one, two, three, four; Chen Hao, Mr. Yang Xinyu "Stock marketGame theory", "Does not have Incurs Victory To have Incurs".
5th, looks at the actual combat case: Recommends Chen Hao "炒股aMove First" hundred volume of VCD, Tang Nengtong "Breaks a code Stockprice Password" 12 volumes.
Above original text address:http://..com/question/21686101.html? Si=2 but, in the studyprocess discovered that, some people said oneself spend nearly 8 yearsto study these theories, always wants through from already studyingassiously, grasps the stock market these classical theories, canhelp me in the market to make money. But studies the actual result isstudies the traditional stock theory to be useless, misleads theyouth, to think the present wave principle, the river graciousnesstheory, the K line theory and the popular technical specification allcannot correctly instruct the investor to invest. These theories allhave neglected the stock price are a stochastic function, ismathematics characteristic which may not forecast. Therefore thesetheory inferential reasonings investment methods are impossible toinstruct the investor correctly to invest. Cannot guarantee everybodyin the stock market the profit. He recommends " The zero risk炒股" The full text sees:http://www.xxsy.net/xd/z/zhoufolang/lfxcg/2.html
Wants to study the person regarding which copies the stockskill to say that, how should study, looked what book or study whattechnology analysis method is a correct path? Asks the person of highskill to direct, regarding copies the stock the operation flow and soon the idle talk which has nothing to do with with this question, didnot need to say again, directly told me to study copies the stock theway or the method, how should I study, looked what book or study whattechnology analysis method was a correct path?

㈨ 有關股票投資方面的論文


㈩ 求關於股票投資通訊方面的小論文


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