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❶ 證券市場的牛市和熊市,用英語怎麼說

牛市 bull market;熊市 bear marker
股票市場上有「熊市」和「牛市」之說,前者表示「空頭市場」,而後者是「行情看漲的市場」。英文諺語Don't sell the bearskin before the bear was caught(不要在抓住熊之前就把熊皮賣掉), 和人們在「熊市」的賣空頭的做法有異曲同工之處。

❷ 股票用英語怎麼說

股票英文是:shares或者stock certificate。

n. 股( share的名詞復數 ); (參與、得到等的) 份; (分享到的或貢獻出的) 一份; 市場佔有率;
[例句]The company's shares promptly fell by 300 lire on the stock market.

stock certificate
n. 股票,證券;
[例句]The article analyzes stock certificate investment fund's influence to local capital market first.

❸ 金融類英語翻譯~謝謝~請不要用翻譯器~

Initial Public Offering - IPO (Initial Public Offering) Co., Ltd. is the investment banking and other commissioned the first public agency in the stock market shares for sale to the general behavior of investors. IPO activity in the stock market to issue occupies an important position, it is the distribution market (primary market) and the trading market (secondary market) of the link. However, regardless of the Asia-Pacific region or Latin American countries, even in highly developed capital markets of Europe and the United States, empirical studies show that the initial public offering of the course there are different levels of underpricing phenomenon. This phenomenon in China's A-share market IPO is more significant, especially in small and medium-sized plate. New premium level of the first day of issue, also known as IPO underpricing (Initial Public Offering Under-pricing), refers to an initial public offering of stock in the first day of trading after the closing price much higher than the issue price of the situation. So far, the IPO underpricing academia continues to haunt the financial problems, the economics and financial experts on the IPO underpricing have been put in a lot of study on the issue of energy.
In this paper, theoretical analysis on the basis of an empirical study of China's small and medium-sized plate Shenzhen stock market underpricing of the actual situation. China's securities market through the collection of secondary market for 2006 - 2008 Shenzhen small and medium-sized listed companies with IPO board data, the total samples were selected and the annual independent samples collected over the same period of the Main Board listed company IPO data, compared with the small and medium-sized plates IPO in the bear market and bull market of the underpricing of the empirical analysis of the situation to do. Finally, the causes of IPO underpricing analysis, and gives a number of points to resolve the issue of underpricing of countermeasures and proposals.

❹ 炒股翻譯成英語怎麼說啊/

invest in stocks如仍有疑問,歡迎向國泰君安證券上海分公司官網或企業知道平台提問。

❺ 求證券英語翻譯

the investor invests in the Stock market does not represent wants certainly to invest the bulk lots stock, the small and medium-sized enterprise is easier the macro economic in the growth to profit. Because these company itself scale is small, in the future will obtain hopefully compared to the bulk lots stock more development opportunities, the achievement also hopeful paroxysmal growth, will thus have compared to the bulk lots stock more opportunities for investment. Looked from the domestic and foreign market's experience that invests from looked for a long time in the small dish stock combination prospective return, regardless of whether after risk factor's adjustment, can be higher than the investment in the bulk lots stock combination prospective return. Therefore, this article main discussion about the investment in the small dish stock's related concept, studies my guozhong small dish stock the present situation, hoped that can in the small dish stock play certain reference role in the investment.

❻ 股票市場的一級市場與二級市場稱謂從哪裡來的翻譯過來的嗎


❼ 有關股票的英語翻譯

Prev Close up of more than 2% of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets recovered Monday Dikaigaozou 2000, in the external market downturn, it is to continue to perform an independent market. SSE Composite Index recovered one-point mark in 2000, closed at 2030.48 points, up 2.22 percent. Shenzhengcheng closed at 6783.03 points, up 1.84 percent. Volume 130,000,000,000 yuan more than the two cities, three consecutive trading day mark for more than 100,000,000,000

❽ 股票市場簡介,幫我用英文翻譯下

The stock market
The stock market is stock issuance and trading places, including the issue market and circulation market two parts. Corporations face society stock issued, rapid concentration, a large amount of money to realize proction of scale operation; But social capital surplus who scattered on the principle of "benefit sharing and risks" principle investment joint-stock company, seek wealth of appreciation.

❾ 炒股票在英文里怎麼說保證金在英文里怎麼說

「炒股票」英文翻譯為Stock speculation,「保證金」翻譯為Bond。



在陶行知 《中國大眾教育問題》里寫到:「流通圖書館要保證金,少則五毛,多則一元二元,只是這個條件已經把窮光蛋趕到門外去了。」




股價的漲跌最簡單的說法就是up和down,這兩個字可以當形容詞(be動詞+ up)或是動詞(up前不加be動詞)來用,例如Microsoft股票漲了一又四分之三塊,老美就會說「Microsoft up 1and third fourths.」(動詞)。

或是「Microsoft was up one and third fourths.」(形容詞)不過一般而言,up和down當動詞的用法較常見。

❿ 求翻譯股票英語詞彙

Number of instruments 你手上持有的各類投資證件(股票證件 share certificate 或債卷 bond 等等)。
Cash amount 現款數量。
Available limit 最多可以買賣價 (預告經紀,股價升/降至甚麼價位即不交易)。
Expiration date 給股票經紀的買賣期限。

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