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Ⅰ 炒股票在英文里怎麼說保證金在英文里怎麼說

「炒股票」英文翻譯為Stock speculation,「保證金」翻譯為Bond。



在陶行知 《中國大眾教育問題》里寫到:「流通圖書館要保證金,少則五毛,多則一元二元,只是這個條件已經把窮光蛋趕到門外去了。」




股價的漲跌最簡單的說法就是up和down,這兩個字可以當形容詞(be動詞+ up)或是動詞(up前不加be動詞)來用,例如Microsoft股票漲了一又四分之三塊,老美就會說「Microsoft up 1and third fourths.」(動詞)。

或是「Microsoft was up one and third fourths.」(形容詞)不過一般而言,up和down當動詞的用法較常見。

Ⅱ 股票、炒股英語怎麼說

speculate in shares
speculation on stocks

Ⅲ 關於股票的一些英語問題!


the characteristic of legal right合法權力性
shareholders』 congress股東大會
members of the board of directors董事會成員
negotiable securities有價證券
share interest(dividend)股息
periodical revenue定期收入
the characteristic of universal circulation普遍流通性
the characteristic of monetary speculation金融投機性
the price of stock股票價格
the characteristic of investment risk投資冒險性
issue stocks發行股票
subscribe stocks認購股票
securities exchange證券交易所
securities company證券公司
to raise funds for the enterprise 為企業籌集資金
to be concive to the decentralization of proprietary rights 有助於所有權的分散
to provide a means of equal distribution of social wealth 提供一種平等分配社會財富的手段
to promote the long-term investment of international funds 促進國際資金的長期投資
to accelerate the turnover of international capital 加速各國之間資金的周轉
to further the advancement of world economy and international trade 促進世界經濟和國際貿易的發展
to coordinate international relations 協調國際經濟關系
executive director of board 執行董事
concurrent director of board 兼職董事
chairman of the board of directors (general director) 董事主席(董事長)
director manager 董事經理
permanent director of board 永久董事
acting director of board代理董事
ordinary shares (common stock) 普通股
merit-based shares 優績股
developmental shares 成長股
speculative shares 投機股
preference shares 優先股
accumulative preference shares 累積優先股
non- accumulative preference shares非累積優先股
transferable preference shares 可調換優先股
accumulative- transferable preference shares 累積調換優先股
substantial shares 實質股
craze shares熱門股
the par value of shares 股票面值
the net value of shares股票凈值
the market value of shares 股票市值
the sum of shares 股份總數
the money paid for shares 股金
the serial number of shares 股票編號
open an account with the stockbroker 開戶
completion of a business transaction 交割
transferring ownership 過戶
liquidation of stocks 股票的清算
crisscross deal 交叉交易
selective shares deal 股票選擇交易
date declare 宣布日
date of record 股權登記日
date payable 派息日
superior shares 優良股
buying up 多頭
short sales (short position) 空頭
bull market 牛市
bear market 熊市
opening price 開盤價
closing price收盤價
suspension of business in case of skyrocketing of stock prices 漲停板
suspension of business in case of slump of stock prices 跌停板
settlement and compensation 清償
spot transaction (over-the-counter deal) 現貨交易
credit deal 信用交易
forward business (future trades) 期貨交易
investment trust company 投資信託公司
petty investors with limited means 小戶投資者
principal quotation 主要行情
secondary quotation 次要行情
routine quotation (blackboard quotation) 日常行情(黑板行情)
reasonable quotation 合理行情
irrational quotation不合理行情
wavering quotation with undercurrent 隱含暗流的徘徊行情

Ⅳ 關於股票的英語怎麼說

股票:shares; share certificate; stock certificate; equity security; equity capital
n.股( share的名詞復數 );(參與、得到等的)份;(分享到的或貢獻出的)一份;市場佔有率
share certificate
stock certificate
equity security
英 [ˈekwiti siˈkjuəriti] 美 [ˈɛkwɪti sɪˈkjʊrɪti/sə'kjurətɪ]
equity capital
英 [ˈekwiti ˈkæpitl] 美 [ˈɛkwɪti ˈkæpɪtl]

Ⅳ 股票用英文怎麼說

股票的英文是shares,音標英 [ʃeəz]、美 [ʃerz]。



Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others.


2、n.(在若幹人之間分得的)一份; (在多人參加的活動中所佔的)一份;正常的一份;可接受的一份

Your share of the cost is 10 pounds.




1、share capital 股本

2、share certificate 股票

3、share dealing 股票交易

4、share markets 股市

5、share prices 股票價格



n. (名詞)




v. (動詞)


2、share用作及物動詞時,接名詞、代詞作賓語,可用於被動結構。用作不及物動詞時,與in連用,後可與抽象名詞連用(如the cost, the joys, the fun, troubles, the happiness等)。


n. (名詞)

take a share in, take shares in


These young men have offered to take a share in the relief work.


These monopoly capitalists have taken shares in the buying and selling of human blood.

這些壟斷資本家在血液的買賣方面有 他們的份。

Ⅵ 英語股票投資對話

Q:Good morning!
A:Good morning.Can i help u?
Q:Yes,I』m holding some shares of PICC I want to know some present information about the company.
A: U know, last Monday,an earthquake broke.Chinese insurance firms have paid 1.7 million yuan in earthquake-related claims as of May 14. But,nobody knows what the total damages will be. This payment will drag down the companys』 earnings indeed.
As a result,these companys』stock may go down as investers expected in short term.
Q: U mean I should sell the shares I hold?
A: In my opinion,if U want to invest in long term.U can wait to see.
China Life Insurance Co. and Ping An, the nation's biggest insurers, have yet to extend their reach across China, where only 4 percent of the nation's 1.3 billion people have insurance, according to data compiled by KPMG International. The insurance penetration in China is generally very low.
Since the snowstorm disasters and the earthquake, Chinese people are becoming more aware of insurance. It's favorable for Chinese insurance's long-term development.
If U want to gain the long-term profit, U can just hold on.
Q:The earthquake make so huge damage, will it destroy the macro economic then ?
Sichuan is a big province in terms of population and agriculture output but its share in China's total instrial and manufacturing output is relatively small.
Thus,though the quake is an enormous human tragedy, its impact on China's economic growth to be temporary and limited. Probably the largest macro impact is raising the upside risks to China inflation outlook in the near term.The government may make a series of measures to rece the inflation, which may affect finance market a lot.
Q: What about the non-ferrous metal plate?
Investors bet that China's power shortages could be aggravated by damage to dams and the grid by the recent earthquake, leading to lower supplies.Aluminium prices rose back above the key $3,000-a-tonne level last Friday

Ⅶ 如何英語翻譯:炒股

翻譯是:trading stocks。
What's your suggestion about students trading stocks?


trading 英[ˈtreɪdɪŋ]
n. 交易; 貿易; 買賣; 股票交易;
adj. 貿易的,交易的;
v. 交易,經商( trade的現在分詞 ); 交換; 經營…交易,做…的買賣;
[例句]Shares in the company slipped below their issue price on their first day of trading.

stock 英[stɒk] 美[stɑ:k]
n. 庫存; 股份,股票; 樹干; 家畜;
adj. 常備的,存貨的; 陳舊的;
vt. 提供貨物; 備有; 炒股
[例句]As stock prices have dropped, so too has bank capital.

Ⅷ 股票英語翻譯

股市。stock market 。
股票。stock 或者equity capital

Ⅸ 炒股翻譯成英語怎麼說啊/

invest in stocks如仍有疑問,歡迎向國泰君安證券上海分公司官網或企業知道平台提問。

Ⅹ 股票用英語怎麼說

股票英文是:shares或者stock certificate。

n. 股( share的名詞復數 ); (參與、得到等的) 份; (分享到的或貢獻出的) 一份; 市場佔有率;
[例句]The company's shares promptly fell by 300 lire on the stock market.

stock certificate
n. 股票,證券;
[例句]The article analyzes stock certificate investment fund's influence to local capital market first.

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