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發布時間: 2022-01-26 11:16:16

❶ 「金融學」怎麼翻譯成英文


但如果是貨幣金融學 比較流行的翻譯是banking

❷ 金融專業英語翻譯

根據本文件,特此宣布,我 (XXX 人),系屬( XXX )的公民, 持有護照號碼:(XXX),以下是指「投資方」,由銀行保證屬實,合法擁有USD5,000,000,000.00 (美金伍拾億元正),由倫敦匯豐銀行簽發,以下簡稱,「BG」


❸ 金融專業英語單詞

skills in balancing the interests of the organizations and coordinating all tasks

political mind

speculatory investment

impersonal assets


❹ 金融界 金融系 的英文分別怎麼說

金融界可以說the field of finance
金融系可以說the Faculty of Finance

❺ 金融這門學科的英文是什麼

兩者的英文是一樣的啦, 你那個朋友應該說錯了

金融的英文是Finance, 或者banking

財務是金融方面的一部分, 一般是指financial affairs , 關於財務的事情可以分為很多小部分, 像獎金, 個人投資, 助學金什麼的

❻ 金融學的英文翻譯謝謝

finance science

❼ <金融學> 用英語怎麼翻譯



❽ 金融專業的英語翻譯

China's investments in securities intermediaries through more than ten years of development, has initially established its presence in China's economic development and reform in an important position in the securities intermediary has become the backbone of the securities market. However, China's securities intermediaries in the development process, there are many problems, such as capital, the scale of strength is not strong, innovative ability is poor, as well as the integrity of the credit crisis, employment mechanism is not perfect, and many other problems have constrained the development of intermediary institutions. This includes the status of securities investment intermediaries, issues and reform strategy of two parts. Of the main issues raised and resolved for the response.

Keywords: economies of scale, lack of credit talent incentive

❾ 英語中,財政學和金融學分別怎麼翻譯

同意樓上的意見。中文中的財務,財政和金融在英語中都是一個意思:finance,如MBA課程中「財務管理」譯為:Finance Management

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